Tuesday, July 2, 2013

birthdays........the hell you go through

soooooooo my 17th birthday is one 10 days away!!! fantastic right? WRONG!
with birthdays it meant cake and ice cream... and other fat fat fat disgusting food. sure i'm excited for my birthday but i cant waste gaining weight now not when i have till September to become skinny before my boyfriend gets home... because hell knows he wont let me count the calories i so desperately need to count ughhhhhh what to do what to do.... and then this Friday my friend wants to make fudge... i just hope i have the will power to say no to eating it.

UGH WHY!! why does cake have to be so high in sugar FAT and CALORIES!! my mom bought a cheese cake.... each slice is 500 calories! that so much it makes me want to purge just thinking about it but i have to eat it or else my mom will flip because it was a ton of money.... the mother that constantly calls me fat the one thats my thinspo to get skinny wants me to eat a slice of pure sugar?!?!?!?!?!? what the hell!!! save me from this pit of fat!!!

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